Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Should I get a Wayne A. Reynolds’ cover for NeoExodus or hire Monte Cook to write something for it…

Well it looks like NeoExodus is moving along a lot faster and slower than I would like and something that came to me was looking over work. Should I spend A LOT of money and get a Wayne A. Reynold’s cover or should I spend that SAME AMOUNT of money and get Monte Cook to write something cool for the campaign book? Which one of these is the better choice? If I go with the visual strength of Wayne Reynolds, that can only help my product look even more professional. But at the same time since Wayne has done so much cover work for WOTC, Paizo and various other game publishers does that like water down the impact of a “Wayne A. Reynolds” cover? Or should I spend that money to assure automatic interest in the setting with the name Monet Cook connect to the project? Which one is the best choice? Which one gives me the most “bang for the buck”? Which is the most important to get more people interested in the NeoExodus: A House Divided?

Should I just use that money in a different way to help build support the NeoExodus transmedia empire in a different way by doing a webcomic with Jeff Warmester based on NeoExodus?

Better Yet…

It’s the end of the business year, so which one of the following questions are you thinking about: How you are going to spend that extra money OR how do you get some extra money from your business to survive the next year. The better questions is why aren’t you thinking of answers for both of them? Talk to you later…


  1. Well... I'm of two minds on this
    1- if you plan to print and offer the book in stores, WAR no doubt. We gamers are drawn to a nice cover.
    2- if you plan to go for Pdfs only, I'd go with Monte.

    I have no money.


  2. I'll second what JPChapleau said: If print, Reynolds. If PDF, Cook.

  3. Cook.

    A thousand times, Cook.

    A gorgeous cover does not save the material within.


    You find a way to make it patron or preorder, and then, when it blows down the milestones, you ask Reynolds to do the cover, because you've got the budget to work with...Art's pretty to look at, but it doesn't give me much for the table. Content. Content. Content. WAR doesn't give me content.


  4. And I think that Incubus Tales advert just burnt out my retina. I don't need strange anime nipples staring at me like a twisted Eye of Sauron.

