Saturday, April 2, 2011

Louis Porter Jr.'s Apology for my April Fool's Joke


  1. Sorry the whole thing blew up the way it did. It was a bad joke, happens to everyone from time to time. I hope that more people can get past that and move on.

  2. Ah, OK, well handled. I can't stay mad at you you big lug.

    It was a misjudgement to do it, but a prompt honest apology is all I could ask for. Good form.

  3. *Salute for the apology*

  4. Too little too late.

  5. The joke was mean spirited and not funny. When you see threads dissolving into flame wars adding fuel to the fire is also not the smartest thing to do.

    I am really not impressed by the joke, and only grudgingly accept the apology. It will likely be weighed in any future purchases, and not in a positive manner. (Hence, grudgingly.)

    Please, stop and think before doing anything similar at a future time.

  6. You're the man. Don't take guff off of anybody.

  7. I still giggle about the joke. And I have pre-ordered Razor Coast.
    I want no apology for a good joke. Maybe that's just me, but I can take this and laugh about it, and I can be angry about Nic's mess up at the same time. Even though I thought for a happy second this was for real. If you are upset, you are perhaps not really upset about that joke and should direct your anger were it belongs? That's how I feel about it. YMMV. *shrug*
