Louis Porter Jr. Design has released its all new product for use with The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game called Two Dozen Discoveries: Scars at RPGNow.com and DriveThruRPG.com. Here is information on this product:
The bravest warriors have scars: scars of battles won and lost, and scars earned during agonizing ceremonies and barbaric rituals, scars that honor the gods and call down spirits. Scars are part of a Barbarian’s equipment- each heavy line scored into his flesh is a weapon, a tool, a protective fetish. Scars brand Rogues as members of a daring guild, and proclaim a Wizard’s allegiance to a specific college of magic for all time. Any character willing to suffer honorably can earn a scar… and wear it forever. The following new types of ritual scarification and mortification can be used in any Pathfinder Roleplaying Game campaign. Written by Chris Field. Available at RPGNow.com here!!!
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