Monday, April 6, 2009

Would Anyone Use The 4th Edition Rules If They Were NOT The Dungeons and Dragons System? -- Good Question!!!

I saw this on another blog and the first thing that came to mind for me was: Are you a sheep or are you a lion? In a community that contanstly informs others how independent they are, there is a lot more sheep other there in the world of gaming then I thought. Talk to you later...


  1. we still happily use the AD&D 1st ed rules, its how you play not what rules you use! i detest the d20 system btw

  2. That's a hard question. The interesting thing about the new rules is its appeal to more casual gamers (and even to AD&D gamers!). Yet, it's far too heavy to have ever come out of the indie community.

    The momentum of D&D is so strong, so pronounced, so developed and overwhelming, that it would have to be a complete disaster for people not to play it. Would people drink Diet Coke if it wasn't Coke? Would they buy an iPod if it wasn't from Apple?

  3. What saddens me most is that no other RPG blogger has even asked the question. Skepticism is in short supply these days...


  4. I mean no offense, but it's kind of a snotty question, since it sort of implies people who dig 4e have to justify themselves or somehow prove they're not sheep. I suspect it's not intended that way, since the underlying question (what impact does the brand have on loyalty of players as contrasted with the rules?) is a _really_ interesting one, but I think a lot depends on how you couch it.

    Anyway, I'm happy to lay down a resounding yes. I started playing 4e despite the fact that it's D&D, not because of it, and the rules have impressed me in a lot of ways. It's not flawless, but then, what is?

    -Rob D.
