Friday, March 20, 2009

Worldwide OGL Game Day!!!

I was thinking, with Worldwide D&D Game Day coming up this weekend, and Free RPG Day and Free Comic Book Day right around the corner these are great opportunities to get more people involved. And then I thought, why isn't there a Worldwide OGL Game Day? Why hasn't someone thought that up? And I realized, I just did. So here is my idea, All the OGL publishers I know get together and support each other with one day where we promote and play our OGL based games. We do it online, in local gaming store, any where you can. Just simple promotion of why OGL is good for the gaming community in general. I think it is best to pick a summer month, because most schools are out and game time is high. I think the first weekend in July would be best. So any companies who would be interested in participating should e-mail me at LMPjr007 (at) AOL (dot) com. Talk to you later...

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