Sunday, March 22, 2009

[Obsidian Twilight] Working on the cover...

I like artwork, as I am sure many who read this blog know. I also like to get the most out of artwork, so when I do a cover to a project I look at a lot of sources to get good ideas. The best art source that I know of is comic books. Since they come out monthly you get a lot of sources of art to draw from and with a lot of different styles. Best of all, comic book sell normally based on their covers, so you can always look at them as a great art source of what your RPG covers might want to look like to sell your product(s) better. Personally I think Jim Lee is one of the greatest artists to ever come out of comic books. His personal style and talent comes through on anything he works on. So it was only natural when I was looking for cover ideas that I would start (and end) with something he created. After searching for a while I came up with a cover that I thought would work very well with Obsidian Twilight and here it is. WildC.A.T.S. volume 1 issue #7. This cover is POWERFUL!!! There is action, danger, excitement and everything cool you want in a cover for a product. It gets people interested BEFORE they even know what is going on inside of the book. So using this as a starting point for the creativity and ideas really can easily flow. Just replace the two characters on this cover with an exalted and a vampire lord locked in combat. I can’t wait to see the finished piece. Talk to you later…


  1. That is a very good question. I think it might be the same artist who has done all the character design work, Alex GarcĂ­a P. (
