Friday, July 25, 2014

I wonder what [Insert gaming professional] will think about this…

Very often, I get an idea that I think is great but I know well enough that I need to get a second opinion on. The reason for that is because lots of things sound great in your head and become absolutely crap-tastic when they get on paper. So the idea that I am working with if from a blog post I did called, “Taking a chance on getting the kinks out of the Androids...” and I came up with this simple little idea: Robots looking for the “truth of things” and who are religious fanatics about gambling and taking a chance.

But I don’t want to get response from just ONE gaming professional, I want to get response from A LOT of gaming professionals. So here is my question to you gaming professionals out there: What do you think about this android / robot / construct idea in a fantasy setting? There are no wrong answers (Clinton Boomer and Owen I am talking to you) just interesting ideas. Talk to you later…

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