Monday, January 7, 2013

Xao is back in my mind again, so now you have to hear about it…

So as always I am in the background thinking about new projects and the one project that I love comes back to the forefront of my mind and that is Xao: Island of Iron and Silk. For those who don’t know what Xao: Island of Iron and Silk is, then read these blog post.  So I have been thinking about the main monsters / races again (P’Tansha – light based P’Tan; stone monkey men; Khaynite hybrids; and more) and of course the idea of new feats for the setting came up. Originally I decide to grab feats from other 3.5 OGL sources (when I started this it was going to be 3.5 OGL) and pulled out all the feats that I thought would work in the setting. Years later I have been going through those feats removing and adding them and I think I am to a place where I am going to send them to our mechanics people and get the gaming mechanics more in line for Pathfinder. But on top of that I am thinking about releasing everything I have for Xao in its rough, unformatted, unedited format to let people kick the tires and see where I am going with this in it RAW format.  After seeing the response from what we did with the Machinesmith and the interaction I wanted to try it again with a bigger project.  So if you want to see Xao and better yet what to help building it, send me a comment here and we will see what we can do. Talk to you later…


  1. Do it man, you've been wanting to put this out for as long as I've known you. Neo-Exodus is your baby, and a damn fun setting.

  2. TOTALLY!! Sounds like a cool expansion for the Neo-Exodus world (and would provide something upon which to fixate until the 2013 Kickstarter starts)
