Tuesday, October 16, 2012

[LPJ Design] Treasures of NeoExodus: Helm of the Communal Mind (PFRPG) Now available

Louis Porter Jr. Design has released its newest product for their Treasures of NeoExodus line, Helm of the Communal Mind for the NeoExodus: A House Divided (PFRPG) campaign setting at RPGNow.com and DriveThruRPG.com. Here is information on this product:

In 489 BU the Nexus Gateway in Qijom spontaneously opened and a battle from another world spilled over into Exodus. The warriors on one side wore unique helms, completely devoid of visors or eye slits, they provided magical senses to their wearers while shielding them from the primary attack of their quarry: a medusa. These helms were eventually copied and built by the Wyrdcasters of the Dominion. In recent years Section Omega took an interest in these helms and acquired one for study. They were able to reproduce the effects using psionics.

 The Treasures of NeoExodus: Helm of the Communal Mind is created for use with your NeoExodus: A House Divided campaign setting home gaming for the Pathfinder RPG. The Treasures of NeoExodus series focus on creating unique and interesting magical and mundane items that you can use in your NeoExodus home games that give you more a personal connection to the item. This PDF comes with a background and history of the Helm of the Communal Mind, its special mundane and/or magical qualities plus magic item containing detailed information and blank versions of the cards. Everything you need to incorporate Helm of the Communal Mind into your character’s background and your gaming sessions is here making them even more appealing, special and personal. Available at RPGNow!

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