Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Working on stone monkeymen for Xao: Island of Iron and Silk

So I have been kicking around ideas of what races we are going to have in Xao and I keep coming back to the same place.  Stone monkeymen with sticky lava for a breath weapon.  I KNOW these sound more like a monster or NPC then a PC race, BUT I can’t get them out of my mind.  You can blame JP Chapleau and Igoo from theHerculoids for all for this. I like the concept of them. I like that they have sticky lava breath weapon.  I like it even more they can’t swim (no buoyancy, they are mad out of stone) and they live AKA trapped on this island.  You then add light powered P’Tan (Yes we do need another name for them) and Khaynites who have taken over the island and hidden it from the rest of Exodus (which means they have been in control of this hidden island since the defeat of the First Ones) and it only get crazier from there.  Add some cool Central & Southeast Asian influences in here and we can have a lot of fun here.   Lots of cool ideas with Xao now I have to work on the updated outline for this.  Talk to you later…

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