Friday, January 27, 2012

Origin of Man rolls on to the direction of artwork...

As always with Kickstarter projects, you have to do some advance planning to make sure you can maximize your opportunity for funding.  One of the most important pieces that I believe helps funding is the visuals and images you choose.  The old adage of one picture is worth a thousand words still holds true in this day and age.  Putting together the right combination of visuals can only help sell the experience you are looking to fund.  Right now I am working on getting artwork for project with lots on cool actions shots of the Locari doing very Locari type things, which basically means killing PCs in all kinds of extremely violent ways.  Plus we are going to have make several head shot images of the important NPCs for the adventure. Personally I like dong head shots, especially in color.  It is a great way to add color to a project while at the same time keeping cost down relatively speaking.  Why do you think you see all those head shots in Paizo products.  Better yet you then can make a deck of NPC images from those heads shots images.  You get to use the same image several times which actually brings  down the cost of the images as a whole.  Just something to think about when your putting together your next art budget.  Talk to you later..

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