Saturday, June 20, 2009

Two issues/episodes of the webcomic, Suits...DONE

I just finished the lettering on the #2 issue/episode (What do you think sound better issue or episode? Let me know.) of Suits. I have to find the artwork for #3. It is somewhere on my computer but I can't remember where I placed it. It is also the final issue Alex García P. because he became too busy on other projects to continue working on this one. I am so glad for all of his work on this project and helping me get this off the ground. If everything turns out right (keeping fingers crossed) the new artist on this project will be Jeff Wamester. I plan to start the webcoming on August 26 (That date is not set in stone, so totally don't hold me to it) and we will release the first four issues/episodes and then have weekly updates after that. Once again thanks to everyone support on this project. Talk to you later...

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