Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Nothing is going on in the RPG scene, and that worries me a little bit…

Right now there is nothing really going on RPG business-wise, well at least for me. There are lots of RPG companies working at break neck speed. The reason being it is the summer and everyone is getting ready for conventions and their BIG releases of the year for Gen Con. I seems a little stupid to me to have only one big release instead of a lot of little releases. I am just one of those “Not all your eggs in basket” kind of guy, but every year RPG companies place their entire basis of survival on one convention. So if you have a bad con, well then is sucks for you. That is the nature of RPGs I guess. In comparison to comic books, summer is important and the best cons are going on, but other cons and stuff is going on year round. RPG gaming only has Gen Con and Origins as the “big cons” (and maybe Dragon Con) while there are San Diego Comic Con, Wizard World, SPX, APE, Wonder Con, Heroes Con, Mega Con, Motor City Comic Con, Pittsburg Comicon and Mid-Ohio Comic Con for comic fans. Plus the attendance of comic cons are lot more than RPG cons.

So with all this stuff for Gen Con going on, I am focusing on my two webcomic series; Suits and Ghostwalkers. On the script side Suits is MORE than ready to go just have to wait until artist, Jeff Wamester, is done with some other project so he can get started on doing this one. I hope (fingers crossed) to have Suits up and running by my birthday (That late August for those that are thinking about getting me a gift). Wish us luck on Suits, we are going to need it. With Ghostwalkers I am on page 14 of 92. Unlike Suits, I have planned Ghostwalkers as a 4-issue series with 2 more 4-issue series for an “epic western series”. This one is a real personal journey for me as a writer. I hope this turns out well. Talk to you later…

1 comment:

  1. Okay- about your comment that nothing is going on... I unfortunately have to agree. I feel like I'm the only one still doing 3.5 stuff- and I'm definately the only one doing D20 Modern stuff. It's sorta frustrating that even though it's been selling I've seen no reviews, angry emails, internet message board bitch fests about Otherverse America. I was really expecting alot more contraversy and attention, not just quiet bemusement.

    Talk to you later-
