Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Transparent Agenda #006: Facebook is responsible for raising less than 2% of the money for this kickstarter

If you listen to Facebook they will tell you that they will help companies make money. Based on the stats I got from kickstarter, Facebook, to me, is a failure on that.  Personally, I have been suspect of the “great ads” on Facebook claims. But it is nice to have actual facts to back up what I thought.  We do a lot of posting on Facebook but it looks like there are better ways to reach people for kickstarter rather than Facebook. Very interesting when you look at the actual data of material and see what is really going on instead of guess blindly in the dark to boost up one’s ego.  Always checks the facts. It will be better for you in the long run.  Talk to you later…

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately I've had about the same results. I keep trying to do FB promotions and ads but they're just not really having almost any noticeable effect.
