Friday, March 9, 2012

Could Table Top RPGs do something like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Elite?

If you don't know Call of Duty ELITE is the membership based subscription system where content is delivered directly to their members. Their site reads:  Premium Call of Duty ELITE members receive new content every month of the season for 9 months. Additionally, Call of Duty ELITE will run specialized events for real-world prizes to celebrate the release of each new drop.

While many have tried this in the way of and, the only things that have had any real success are the Adventure Paths and Pathfinder Society from Paizo. But could a smaller company do something like this? Could a smaller company pull something like Pathfinder Society or RPGA off? At one point there was Living Spycraft and Living Arcanis but both have gone the way of the dinosaur. Once someone comes up with a system to do the "behind the scenes" stuff easily then maybe someone might do it. Who knows? Talk to you later...


  1. We gave this a whirl with our Untold: Elite Access ( and it works wonderfully! :D

  2. Call of Duty Elite won't last forever. DungeonaDay effectively completed what it set out to do a 1st-20th level dungeon. Once it did that, it then started to loose its steam. Loosing Monte to WoTC I am sure did not help.
