Thursday, September 29, 2011

I wonder why Pathfinder reviewer Megan Robertson hasn't reviewed LPJ Design products in a while...

What do you think it could be.  I have sent her all our our latest Pathfinder materials, but the last time she reviewed anything from us was February 27 of this year.  Maybe we did something wrong and she is mad at us? I don't think so.  Maybe she wants to wait until she gets the NeoExodus: A House Divided Campaign Book (coming out soon) to review that? I hope so.  So if anyone knows, including Megan, just let us know and we will provide you with what every you might need or want from LPJ Design.  Just let us know.  Talk to you later...    


  1. My company has over 20 products published. Miss Robertson has downloaded each and every one and failed to post a review. This is not uncommon. Many reviewers download our works, none to date have posted review. I am told by the management at RPGnow that typically reviewers don't post reviews on products they intend to trash. Really? So, now my products must suck because they are not reviewed?

    I am however thankful that some of our customers and playtesters have come through for White Haired Man by posting intelligent and comprehensive reviews.

  2. Just found your blog and while I can't speak for Miss Robertson, I've done a lot of reviews in the past.

    For me, there's a difference between PDF and Print. Print products cost somebody something to send to me, and they hold value that I can trade or resell; I feel obligated to review them as I'm being paid for my work. Even when the books are bad, I do a review.

    PDFs cost nothing but a few moments of time; the sense of obligation on my part is less. I'm not saying it's right, or fair, or honorable or anything of the sort. I'm also not saying I don't review PDFs, just that they don't cost as much as print products and that they hold less value to me (that and they take me a -lot- longer to read/review).

    I'm also not encouraging anyone to send out print copies in the hopes of getting more reviews. I doubt it makes a difference to most "reviewers" who won't work anyway, and ends up costing companies too much money.

    But yeah, some stuff is simply bad and deserves to be ignored. I've done that twice, and considering both were poorly illustrated manuscripts written by people wishing they were dyslexic schizophrenics, I don't feel bad. I don't think LPJ makes products that fit that criteria however.
