Thursday, January 27, 2011

Coming February 4: NeoExodus Chronicles - Races of NeoExodus

Here is the final cover for NeoExodus Chronicles: Races of NeoExodus. This PDF contains all the information needed to play these seven all new races from the upcoming NeoExodus: A House Divided campaign setting or incorporate them into your own home game.  Players can choose to play either: Cavian, Cynean, Dalrean, Enuka, Prymidian, P’Tan or Sasori. Cavians are psionic humanoid rats who have a hidden agenda. Cyneans are crystalline skinned powerful arcane spell casters with a thrist for more arcance knowledge. Dalreans are humanoid mobile plants with a great ecological connection to Exodus. Enuka are beast like creatures that have evolved to adapt themselves to various harsh environments. Prymidians are crimson skinned humanoids who are master in communication and language. P’Tans are shadow created feline humanoids who were former slaves of the First Ones. Sasori are humanoid scorpions that hold all the deepest and darkest secrets of Exodus. In addition there are feats, spells, equipment and much more which only helps expand on these already interesting races.  Arriving next Friday, February 4, 2010 at a cost of only $6.99.  Talk to you later...

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