Thursday, June 25, 2009

Books to Read: Tilting at Windmills

OK If you really want to get your product in retail locations then you need to understand what goes through the mind of retail owner. That is something that is not readily available. But you can still get that information. The best place to get that information in the Tilting at Windmills written by Brian Hibbs, owner of San Francisco's premier comic book store, Comix Experience. This book even though form roughly 15 years ago the lessons and knowledge is still absolute true and valuable today. Brian has a very interesting very of what the future should be and even 15 years later nothing has really changed and the same problems exist. If you have a retail store and your sales are going down the tubes, YOU HAVE TO PURCHASE THIS BOOK. The reason I know using this book you can make a very successful retail store is because this book was given to me by Tate Ottait, owner of Tate’s Comic here in South Florida, who said he followed and did just about everything in this book. Using this book Tate went from a 1,000 sq.ft store in 1993 to an over 6,000 sq. ft main comic store with an additional a 2,000 sq. ft gaming retail store a few stores down from the main store in 2009. So understanding what retailers want will help you understand what you need to do to get your product into their stores. Tilting at Windmills is mandatory reading for those who are looking to be serious about specialty shop retail sales and selling. Talk to you later…

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