Monday, February 28, 2011

Why do Podcast when you can do Videocast...


  1. Why audio vs video? Very simple.

    You can't multitask while watching a video.

    Most people listen to podcasts while they do other stuff -- drive to work, sit at their desk, etc. Video requires more of the audiences attention. Which is why audio podcasts have much much larger audiences that vlogs -- wider distribution and aggregation as well.

    I'm saving video for higher-profile stuff like webseries.

  2. But you can always strip the audio file out of the video file if you want to and have a separate audio file for podcasters. Plus, I think showing a video of you builds a better connect between you and the watcher / customer. I say do both, if you can.

  3. I spent years working in radio (I was the local news and Morning Edition host for the NPR affiliate in the early to mid 90s), so my production will be a bit more involved than just a raw audio feed that a stripped video would generate.

    So basically, doing both adds more work (production specific to each format) for no additional benefit. A pretty easy equation at that point.

  4. I vlog on YouTube everyday. RPGs are one of the things I cover regularly. I like the option of showing things off visually. Even if a good deal of the time I am a 'talking head'. The 'buy-in' for making videos for me was minimal. Both in cost and technical know-how. It is my preferred medium.
