Friday, August 21, 2009

What's it's like to work for me...

A new writer just started working for me, just sent over his first written project. I don't think the work was up to par. Here are some of my editorial comments about the work:
  • "Way to powerful for a 1st level feat. Rethink or create a new one from scratch.
  • "Where is the game mechanic with this feat? Why could this be done better with a skill roll?"
  • "Seen this one a million time. Rethink of create a new one from scratch."
  • "Boring!!!!! Need to rethink or create a new one from scratch."
  • "Reflecting spell at 3rd level, doesn’t that seem a little powerful to you?"
  • "OK, but not really exciting."
  • "Not exciting. Need to rethink or create a new one from scratch."
I sent it back to him with a lot more comments. He has some work ahead of him. And you want to be a RPG writer? Talk to you later...

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