Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The economic news couldn't be worse for the book industry

If you are thinking about getting into publishing you might want to read this first!

1 comment:

  1. Since I am ever the optimist, I would take a slightly different tack on that article. Sure, the "old school" publishers are in trouble, but that only creates opportunities for publisers that aren't tied to doing business that way. The PDF market is a great example of marketing to a specific segment of the population. With readers like the Kindle gaining popularity and more people having web access wherever they go (iphone etc.) I think it's fair to say that "Books" are not going away. In fact I think the need for "content" is greater than ever before

    I see the big publishers being forced to change they way they do business because the barriers to entry have been wiped away; they have to compete with the publishers that are operating lean and mean.

    By the way, I love the PDF Business Wednesday theme; keep it up!

    Skortched Urf' Studios
