Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Obsidian Twilight is rolling on like a Mack truck…

Well we have completed the 6 out of 7 planned races for the Obsidian Twilight setting. We still need to work on the Raijin, but everyone else is done. Now James is working on the world history off of the outline I created for Obsidian Twilight. I figure the history part of the book should be done by the end of the month and if all goes well we might be ready for the complete book release in February / March-ish. Best of all that will tie perfectly in to [CLASSIFIED] and its major announcement. . [CLASSIFIED] is going to huge when we actually announce it and it will be a huge seller since we are [CLASSIFIED] [CLASSIFIED] [CLASSIFIED] [CLASSIFIED] [CLASSIFIED] [CLASSIFIED]. Guess you have to wait. Talk to you later…

1 comment:

  1. yeah... cuz everyone loves reading redacted posts ;-)
