Thursday, January 24, 2008

Cloverfield...A video game movie?

I just saw Cloverfield on Tuseday. I have to admit, I liked it but as I kept watching it I got this feeling that I had seen something like this before. It was about an hour in to the film when I had an interesting event happen. The jerky movements of the camera caused me to have kinetosis, better known as motion sickness or more specificly simulation sickness, to act up. Now this normally only happens when I play video games like Quake. So it was very interesting that I got that watching Cloverfield, but at the same time the feel of the film was more like playing a video game. The monster of the movie was more like "background thing" while the story was really about the surviors of the inital and the resulting attacks. Watching the movie, it kind of felt like playing Half-Life, Resident Evil, or other games of that "genre". So many people are impressed by this film, I have to wonder how many of these people actually played these types of video games. Interesting...

But it is was cool to watch. I give it a thumbs up. Talk to you later...

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